Android provides support for some applications through the Android Device Administration API. This API enables device administration features at the system level, allowing the creation of security-conscious apps that are valuable in enterprise environments where IT professionals require extensive control over companies devices.


A common use case for using the Device Admin Permission is when a company buys devices for it’s employers and wants to set policies which are to be adhered to. The policies include:


  1. Disabling all cameras of a phone
  2. Disables use of keyguard features.
  3. Enforce a password change for users within a time limit specified by the administrator.
  4. Force the device to lock or limit the maximum lock timeout for the device.
  5. Limit the passwords that the user can select.
  6. Enforce the device password reset.
  7. Observe login attempts by the user.
  8. Force the device to go on factory reset.
  9. Wipe the device’s data.


It is important to note that before the above functionalities can run, one needs to accept and enable the Device Admin App. Upon enabling the Device Admin App, users become bound by its policies, which often result in privileges such as accessing sensitive systems and data.


An example of an App that makes use of the Device Admin Permission is PinFailed, an App we developed. You can also find it’s source code on Github


Symatech Labs is a Software Development company based in Nairobi, Kenya that specializes in Software Development, Mobile App Development, Web Application Development, Integrations, USSD and Consultancy.